400-821-7550周一至周五 9:30~17:30


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LOT 1117 - 1906年蘇州寄安徽徽州封:紅條封貼倫敦版蟠龍2分1枚,票已氧化,銷蘇州第三拾號郵政信櫃戳寄徽州,有安徽大通丙午.二月廿九干支中轉戳,徽州丙午.三月五日干支落地戳。收件人江耀華是清末民初安徽大茶商,寄件人為其次子江澤之
1906 Red belt envelope from Suchow to Huichow, bearing Coiling Dragon 2c, cancelled by Suchow No.30 P.O Mailbox, with Dah Tung, Anhui transit CDS, also with Huichow lunar CDS(1906.3.5), the receiver is a famous tea merchant, the sender is the second son of him whose name is Jiangze Zhi

拍品编号: 2105101

起拍价:  RMB 3,000.00



华宇拍卖 huabid.com


 成交价: RMB 10,000.00
成交总价: RMB 11,500.00