400-821-7550周一至周五 9:30~17:30


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LOT 2190 - 1912年臨時中立藍欠資1分及2分未發行票各1枚,殘膠輕貼上品,陳目未列,中國郵王周今覺舊藏,存世僅三組以內。源流:香港蘇富比拍賣1996年周今覺專拍、香港蘇黎士亞洲2003年黃明芳專拍。歷史背景:周今覺第一次購買臨時中立郵票的時候,一共購買了包含發行及未發行郵票大全套共2套,並將購買的過程寫在 1925年集郵公告第 1 卷中。彼得 • 霍爾科姆看過這些相關文章,並將自己的意見寫在 1975年有關臨時中立的文章中。因為在他有生之年也無法看到這2個大全套以致於無法核對與他研究資料是否有出入。彼得 • 霍爾科姆認為倫敦版藍欠資加蓋臨時中立1分及2分存世一共3組,其中2組就在周今覺1925年公布的文章當中所記載的2組。 在 1939 年,周今覺不得不宣佈,在他購買的2套臨時中立大全套中,他對於藍色欠資1分及2分有疑問。他認為這2枚票應該是不存在的。這個論點在中華民國政府贈送給羅斯福總統中華民國郵票大全套郵集拍賣以後被打破,正因為羅斯福總統郵集中出現這2枚郵票,周今覺以往收藏的2套臨時中立藍欠資未發行1分及2分票才被接受。事實上,周今覺曾經懷疑過〝..1912年的時候清代倫敦版藍欠資1分及2分早已經出售完畢,不可能出現加蓋臨時中立郵票〞但是稍後他又註明〝我問過的每一個專家都說這2枚票是真的〞 這裡的專家包含了民國初年的知名郵商 Mr.E.Busch。
1912 Postage Due Stamps Overprinted " PROVISIONAL NEUTRALITY " unissued blue 1c & 2c, mint. M.D.Chow first brought these stamps, of which he appears to have owned two examples of each value, to the attention of the philatelic world when he illustrated them in colour in the 1925 Philatelic Bulletin Volume 1, Number 1. Peter Holcombe had heard of them, and indeed made mention of them in his 1975 article on the Neutrality overprints. He had not seen them until now and is currently undecided about them. Peter Holcombe is certain that the two stamps here offered, while not those illustrated in the Bulletin, are form the same sheet, chiefly because of the positioning of the overprint, its type and the centering of the stamps themselves. He concludes that these two stamps are therefore from the total quantity of three of each value mentioned in 1925 article. In 1939 when M.D.Chow felt obliged to announce that doubts had emerged over his blue 1c. and 2c., it was not yet known that there were unissued values and that these would later be augmented by values never in fact originally overprinted. These were now being so overprinted for presentation purposes as in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt set and others, either deliberately or unwittingly. Both these two distinct groups of overprints have now been accepted as perfectly genuine for some decades, and on this basis it does appear that, in the light of post-war knowledge, the 1c. and 2c. blue could be accepted, just as eventually were the 1c. and 2c. brown. Indeed, the sole ground foe Chow’s doubts were〝..when Postage Due stamps were surcharged in 1912, the supply of blue 1 cent and 2 cents stamps had long been exhausted, and that it could not be possible that there were still blue stamps in stock for overprinting〞 He later adds that〝.. even a connoisseur would pass them as genuine〞. They were acquired by M.D.Chow from Mr.E.Busch. a respected dealer of the period. No one has ever established exactly why or when the unissued values were produced, or how or when the presentation sets were made up. Occasionally totally unknown examples appear on the market, usually having remained with the family of those who had received the presentation. Sotheby’s sold such a set in London during 1993 for 133,500 pounds. The two stamps offered here have been with the Chow family since the1920’s, and are offered at auction on their merits, and on the basis that their status is not , as yet, fully established.

拍品编号: 2124302

起拍价:  RMB 100,000.00



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 成交价: RMB 380,000.00
成交总价: RMB 437,000.00