400-821-7550周一至周五 9:30~17:30


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LOT 1720 - 1932年漢口寄哈爾濱郵路受阻封:西式封貼孫像倫敦版雙圈1分5枚,銷漢口21.7.24戳寄哈爾濱,因當時東北已成立滿洲國,關內及關外郵路中斷,故銷『東三省郵務暫行停辦原件退還』郵路受阻戳退回寄件人,關內寄往滿洲國郵路受阻封罕見。1932.7.26起滿洲國全面接管東三省郵務,並自主發行滿洲國郵票,導致郵路中斷,直至滿洲國政府與民國政府達成『通郵辦法的諒解事項』,自1935.1.10起才又恢復通郵。
1932 Cover affixed 5 stamps, total 5 cents, Hankow sent to Harbin, go with Hankow cancellations, because on 1932.2.18 with the assistance of Japan, the Manchukuo was formed at North-Eastern Provinces of China, mail route destination blockaded, cancelled "Mail route destination blockaded, return to sender"

拍品编号: 2856244

起拍价:  RMB 15,000.00



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 成交价: RMB 22,000.00
成交总价: RMB 25,300.00