400-821-7550周一至周五 9:30~17:30


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LOT 1062 - 1897年慈禧壽辰紀念初版加蓋改值小字2分舊票1枚,倒蓋變體,背局部揭薄,陳目#39d,附1995年Peter Holcombe證書【此枚倒蓋票應僅加蓋2格(40枚),目前新票存世僅有1枚破損者,舊票當時多貼於上海寄漢口之郵件,於寄達漢口局後被局員私自予以撕下珍藏,故存世之舊票大多有揭薄之情形】,此票為慈壽票系列中著名的「四複八倒」之一
1897 Empress Dowager 1st Printing surcharged, small figures, 2c, used, inverted, partially skinned on reverse with Peter Holcombe certificate signed in 1995. Chan#38d. A total of 40 of 2 panes such inverted rarities is in existence. Only one mint is with faults; all used examples were taken from mails sent from Shanghai to Hanker. One of the great rarities of "4 Double and 8 Inverted Surcharges".

拍品编号: 1213410

起拍价:  RMB 60,000.00



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 成交价: RMB 65,000.00
成交总价: RMB 74,750.00