400-821-7550周一至周五 9:30~17:30


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LOT 1906 - 1944年衡水寄天津快遞掛號封:中式封貼仿版烈士像5角加蓋華北1枚、仿版孫像2分加蓋華北2枚、仿版孫像16分加蓋華北1枚,銷衡水33.5.9戳快遞掛號寄天津,有天津33.5.11落地戳,中國郵資考證第三冊第312頁
1944 Express and Registered cover to Tientsin, bearing Imitative Martyr, 50c, opt. "North China", Imitative Martyr, 2 pcs., of 2c, opt. "North China", Imitative Martyr, 16c, opt. "North China", cancelled by Hensui cds(1944.5.9), with Tientsin arrival cds(1944.5.11), Please refer to A Study of Postage Rates of China, Part 3, Page 313

拍品编号: 1218926

起拍价:  RMB 100.00



华宇拍卖 huabid.com


 成交价: RMB 300.00
成交总价: RMB 345.00